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The original

Unlike offers from other companies, our direct occupational disability insurance (bBU) is based on the solidarity group principle. This enables affordable contributions, paid from the gross salary. Contributions to the bBU are exempt from taxes and social security (Section 3 No. 63 EStG).

The insurance conditions are fair, transparent and simple. There are no health questions, only two simple explanations. The insurer is thus deprived of the opportunity to reject applications, demand premium surcharges or exclude previous illnesses. The bBU opens the opportunity for group insurance to many people who are ineligible for most coverage because of previous illnesses; coverage is not denied due to incorrect or incomplete answers.

  • No waiting period
  • No health questions
  • 75% cheaper than conventional disability insurance
  • Determination of occupational disability by your own doctor
  • Exemption from contributions in the event of occupational disability
  • Contribution of capital-forming benefits possible
  • Change of job: take the insurance with you or take over privately
  • Exemption from contributions when, for example, looking for a job or on parental leave


Employers also benefit if you recommend a bBU to their employees. A bBU enables social commitment, provides an additional incentive when recruiting qualified employees, and enables potential savings.